財團法人高等教育評鑑中心基金會(以下簡稱本會)經2019年3月第五屆第4次董事暨監察人聯席會議同意「本會接受高等教育品質保證國際網絡優良實務準則認可(aligned INQAAHE Guidelines of Good Practice)」申請案,即進行相關準備工作,包括啟動工作小組會議、完成英文自評報告、進行自評審查會議。
因COVID-19疫情影響而延後的實地訪視,依2020年8月INQAAHE GGP認可委員會決議,於2020年10月5日至8日對本會進行視訊訪視。訪視委員如下:
- 英國前品質保證機構國際事務長 Ms. Fiona Crozier (Former Head of International, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)
- 印尼國家高等教育認可機構執行長 Dr. T. Chan Basaruddin (Director of Executive Board, National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education)
- 馬來西亞經濟專業評鑑機構資訊長 Dr. Eddy Chong Siong Choy (Chief Technical Officer, Finance Accreditation Agency)
Guidelines of Good Practice | DECISION |
GGP 1: The Structure of the External Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA) | Fully compliant |
GGP 2: Accountability of the EQAA | Fully compliant |
GGP 3: The EQAA’S Framework for the External Review of Quality in Higher Education Institutions | Fully compliant |
GGP 4: The EQAA and its Relationship to the Public | Fully compliant |
GGP 5: Decision Making | Fully compliant |
GGP 6: The QA of Cross Border Higher Education | N/A |
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