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International Recognition

The Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) was approved on March 2019 to apply for International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies’ (INQAAHE) Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) alignment. Related planning and preparation is carried out immediately, including initiating the work group meetings, completing the English self-assessment report (SAR) and conducting the self-assessment review meetings.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the on-site visit was postponed. In August 2020, the INQAAHE GGP Recognition Committee authorized the HEEACT virtual visit on October 5th to 8th, 2020. The reviewers are as follows:

  • Ms. Fiona Crozier, Former Head of International, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
  • Dr. T. Chan Basaruddin, Director of Executive Board, National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education
  • Dr. Eddy Chong Siong Choy, Chief Technical Officer, Finance Accreditation Agency

On December 17th, 2020, the INQAAHE Board approved the recommendation of the INQAAHE GGP Recognition Committee on recognizing HEEACT as “fully compliant” with INQAAHE GGP, which is valid for 5 years (December 17th, 2020 to December 17th, 2025). The final results of the HEEACT’s GGP alignment have been published on INQAAHE’s Website (

Guidelines of Good Practice DECISION
GGP 1: The Structure of the External Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA) Fully compliant        
GGP 2: Accountability of the EQAA Fully compliant
GGP 3: The EQAA’S Framework for the External Review of Quality in Higher Education Institutions Fully compliant Fully compliant
GGP 4: The EQAA and its Relationship to the Public Fully compliant
GGP 5: Decision Making Fully compliant
GGP 6: The QA of Cross Border Higher Education N/A

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