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2019 HEEACT International Conference

Date: 2 October, 2019
Venue: National Academy for Educational Research-Taipei Branch (International Hall), Taiwan
Hosted by: Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT)

2019 HEEACT International Conference 

On October 2nd, HEEACT held its annual international conference focused on the strengthening and promotion of a quality culture in the higher education system and higher education institutions around Taiwan. The theme of this year was focused on the “Development of Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms and Challenges for Higher Education Institutions.”
The HEEACT’s Annual International Conference 2019 took place at the National Academy for Educational Research (Taipei Branch) and about 150 participants attended the conference. International guests, professors, scholars, representatives of the different Taiwanese universities, students and delegates from different sectors were part of this unique event. Well-known international speakers from Ireland, England, Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan shared their knowledge and vast experience in the field of Higher Education and Quality Assurance. These speakers also talked about the current impacts and challenges that are faced around the world in relation to IQA development.
Among the keynote sessions of the conference, Prof. Ellen Hazelkorn, Professor and Director of the Higher Education Policy Research Unit (HEPRU) of Ireland shared the importance of the Higher Education Stakeholders Engagement as a key element in the IQA development. Mr. Douglas Blackstock, Chief Executive of Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) form England emphasized in relevant aspects in development and challenges of Internal Quality Assurance and the responses from External Quality Assurance and Mr. Anthony McClaran, CEO of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) delved into several insights from the Australian experience in the growth of Internal Quality Assurance and Quality Culture at Self-Accrediting Institutions. The keynote sessions ended with the presentation by Prof. Dr. Jong-Tsun Huang, President of HEEACT, on the prospects for Taiwan Higher Education.
During the afternoon, a panel session was held where Taiwanese and international scholars and professors shared their perspectives on the effectiveness of institutional governance and sustainability for program development. The conference concluded with a Quality Assurance Forum led by Prof. Dr. Angela Yung-Chi Hou, Executive Director of HEEACT, in which the issues, challenges and prospects for national QA policy-making were discussed. Between the presentations, discussions and Q&A sessions, the speakers and participants exchanged ideas and thoughts towards the internal quality assurance approach as an essential factor for the enhancement of the quality in higher education.
Additionally, during the conference, several accomplishments and quality initiatives were shared by HEEACT, particularly the second cycle of institutional accreditation and the development of a more innovative approach for the next cycle of institutional accreditation and program accreditation via research projects, focus groups and feedback from universities and colleges.
The 2019 HEEACT’s international conference concluded successfully and accomplished one of HEEACT's goals to strengthen the internationalization engagement and to continue to expand the QA network throughout substantial collaborations with our foreign partners. As for 2020, HEEACT will celebrate its 15th anniversary with series of activities, workshops and an international conference as the highlight of the celebration.

HEEACT looks forward to see you next year.

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