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2018 INQAAHE Capacity Building Projects_HEEACT & BAN-PT

2018 INQAAHE Capacity Building Projects_HEEACT & BAN-PT

INQAAHE Capacity Building Project 2018: Comparisons of QA systems, Review Standards, and Procedures, and Transparency in Taiwan and Indonesia: Capacity Building for Mutual Recognition of Joint/Double Degree Programs

Due to cross-border higher education resulting in the increased mobility of students, the number of academic staff, programs, institutions, and professionals has grown considerably in recent years. Therefore, the question of how to ensure that programs meet both local and international quality standards has become a great challenge in many nations. Hence, the Taiwanese and Indonesian QA agencies, the HEEACT and BAN-PT, completed a comparative study through document sharing and workshops. This project also entailed inviting the European Consortium for Accreditation in higher education (ECA) observers to follow the entire research process and to give both agencies advice and suggestions.

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